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Bulk import of device control exclusions

Administrators can use a .csv file to import device control exclusions in bulk (up to 500 exclusions per file). For details about the formatting requirements and to download a sample template, visit to read KB 65484.

Download the device control exclusion .csv template

  1. In the
    Device Control
    tab of a device policy, enable Device Control.
  2. Click
    Import Exclusions
  3. Click
    download our template
    and save the file.
  4. Modify the template according to the formatting requirements.

Import a .csv file with the device control exclusions

  1. In the
    Device Control
    tab of a device policy, enable Device Control.
  2. Click
    Import Exclusions
  3. Click
    Browse for CSV files to import
    and select the .csv file that you want to import.
  4. Click

Formatting requirements of the .csv file

  • Only .csv files are accepted.
  • The column header information is required in the .csv file. The import function ignores the first line of the .csv file. If the first line in the import file is an exclusion, it will not be imported. The column headers must be in the following order:
    • Vendor ID
    • Access
    • Product ID
    • Serial Number
    • Comment
  • Vendor ID and Access fields are required for each exclusion.
  • Product ID, Serial Number, and Comment fields are optional for each exclusion.
  • The Access column requires either
    Full Access
    Read Only
    , or
    as the value, and only accepts the values in English.
  • The Comments column does not support commas (,).
Bulk import using a spreadsheet
Bulk import using a text editor


  • The maximum number of exclusions per .csv file is 500. If you try to import a file that contains more than 500 exclusions, an error message displays.
  • The maximum number of device control exclusions per policy is 5000. A warning message should display if this number is exceeded.
  • f you are using a device that doesn't have its language set to English, you might need to set the options to UTF-8 and comma separated when you import and edit the template with
    Microsoft Excel
    . If you open the file without changing the options, it may show unrecognizable characters.