Windows installation parameters
installation parametersThe agent can be installed interactively or non-interactively through GPO,
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager
(SCCM), MSIEXEC, and other third-party tools. The MSIs can be customized with the parameters below or the parameters can be supplied from the command line.Parameter | Value | Description |
PIDKEY | <Installation Token> | This parameter automatically enters the installation token. |
LAUNCHAPP | 0 or 1 | 0: This value hides the system tray icon the start menu folder at run-time. 1: This value displays the system tray icon and start menu folder at run-time. If no value is entered, the default value is 1. |
SELFPROTECTIONLEVEL | 1 or 2 | 1: This value allows local administrators to make changes to the registry and services. 2: This value only allows the system administrator to make changes to the registry and services. If no value is entered, the default value is 2. |
APPFOLDER | <Target Installation Folder> | This parameter specifies the agent installation directory. The default location is C:\Program Files\Cylance\Desktop |
REGWSC | 0 or 1 | 0: This value indicates that CylancePROTECT Desktop is not registered with Windows as an anti-virus program. It allows CylancePROTECT Desktop and Windows Defender to run at the same time on the device. 1: This value indicates that CylancePROTECT Desktop is registered with Windows as an antivirus program.If no value is entered, the default value is 1. The above commands won't have an effect on Windows Server 2016 and 2019. To disable Windows Defender after installing CylancePROTECT Desktop on Windows Server 2016 and 2019, set the following registry value:HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\DisableAntiSpyware REG_DWORD Value = 1 If the Windows Defender sub-key does not exist, you will need to manually create it, For more information about using group policy settings to manage Windows Defender, see Use Group Policy settings to configure and manage Windows Defender AV. |
VENUEZONE | “ <Zone_Name> ” | Use this parameter to specify the name of a zone that you want to add devices to. If it can't find a zone with that name, it creates a zone with the name you provide. Zone names cannot contains whitespaces, tabs, carriage returns, equal signs, newlines, or other invisible characters. |
VDI | <X> | When you install CylancePROTECT Desktop on a master Image, use the install parameter VDI= where <X> <X> is a "counter" for the total number of machines or images not connected to the domain (including the Master image) before creating a pool of workstations. The value for <X> determines when the agent should start identifying the virtual machine utilizing VDI fingerprinting instead of the default agent fingerprinting mechanism. The VDI parameter uses a counter "X" and has a delayed effect, whereas the AD parameter is immediate upon installation. For more information, see Requirements and considerations for using CylancePROTECT Desktop on virtual machines. |
AD | 1 | This parameter requires agent version 1520 or later. Use the Active Directory (AD) parameter on a domain-connected master image during the initial installation. When it's installed on a domain connected master image, it immediately uses VDI fingerprinting on the master image and subsequently created pool of workstations. AD fingerprinting will take precedence over the VDI= installation parameter. For more information, see Requirements and considerations for using CylancePROTECT Desktop on virtual machines.<X> |
PROXY_SERVER | <ip_address> : <port_ number> | This parameter specifies the IP address of the proxy server through that the agent must communicate with. Proxy server settings are added to the device’s registry, and you can find proxy server information in the agent log file. |
AWS | 1 | This parameter requires agent version 1500 or later. Use this parameter to capture and include the Amazon EC2 Instance ID to the device's name to help identify Amazon Cloud hosts.The device name is modified to include the hostname and the Instance ID. For example, if the device name is ABC-DE-12345678 and the AWS EC2 ID is i-0a1b2cd34efg56789, the complete device name is ABC-DE-123456789_i-0a1b2cd34efg56789. This feature is only available for the Amazon EC2 Instance ID. |
PROTECTTEMPPATH | 1 | This parameter requires agent version 1480 or later. Use this parameter to change the location of the CylanceDesktopArchive and CylanceDesktopRemoteFile folder to the Cylance ProgramData folder. For more information, see the KB 66457 Changing the location of the CylanceDesktopArchive and CylanceDesktopRemoteFile folders. |
Example: PIDKEY, APPFOLDER, and LAUNCHAPP parameters
msiexec /i CylancePROTECT_x64.msi /qn PIDKEY=<INSTALLATION TOKEN> LAUNCHAPP=0 /L*v C:\temp\install.log
In this example, the installation is silent and the installation log is saved to the
folder. You may need to create this folder. When the agent runs, the system tray icon and the start menu Cylance
folder are hidden. For more information about allowed command line options, see Example: PIDKEY, VDI, and LAUNCHAPP parameters
In this example, the "2" for VDI is the total number of machines or images that are not connected to the domain (the master image plus the additional or parent image) before the pool of workstations is created.
Example: PIDKEY, AD, and LAUNCHAPP parameters
In this example, the AD parameter immediately uses VDI fingerprinting on the master image and the pool of workstations that is created. For information about editing the MSI installation file for deployment through a group policy, see KB 66391, Editing the MSI Installer using Orca.