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Searching ACL rules and Network Services

You can search the ACL rules and Network Services that you have added to
provides predefined scopes and conditions for your search criteria.
A search looks at the criteria that you specify for a scope and condition in the search field to return the search results. For example, if you search the ACL rules for a rule that includes 'IT' in the name (for example, Scope = Name, Condition = Contains, and the Search criteria = IT), all of the rules that include the specified 'IT' in the rule name are returned.
You can perform a search of the committed ACL rules or perform a search of the drafted ACL rules. A search does not span the committed and draft ACL rules.
In advanced searches, when multiple scopes and search criteria are specified, the search engine uses an AND operator between the search criteria. All search results will contain all of the criteria that is specified. For example, if you perform a search of the network services for a service with the name 'example' and a FQDN of (for example, Scope = Name, Condition = Contains, Search criteria =Example and Scope = FQDN, Condition = Contains, Search criteria =, all of the rules that include both criteria are returned.
The search is not case-sensitive. For example, searching for Example or example, produces the same results.