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commands for the agent

To display list of
commands for the
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent, use the following:
/opt/cylance/desktop/cylance -h
Example usage of commands:
cylance <option>
-r, --register=
Register the agent with the console using the provided token
-s, --status
Check for agent updates
-b, --start-bg-scan
Start the background threat detection scan
-B, --stop-bg-scan
Stop the background threat detection scan
-d, --scan-dir=
Scan a directory
-l, --getloglevel
Retrieve the current logging level
-L, --setloglevel=
Set the logging level to specify the level of information gathered in debug logs
-P, --getpolicytime
Retrieve the policy update time
-p, --checkpolicy
Check for policy updates
-t, --threats
Display a list of threats
-q, --quarantine=
Quarantine a file by specifying a hash ID
-w, --waive=
Waive a file by specifying a hash ID
-v, --version
Display the version of this tool
-h, --help
Display a list of commands