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Using authentication policies to access the
console and activate agents

You can use authentication policies to specify the type of authentications that administrators and users must complete. An authenticator defines one authentication method (for example, a console password) or a connection to a third-party for authentication (for example,
Active Directory
). An authentication policy contains one or more authenticators that you have added. The authentication policy specifies the type of authentications administrators and users must complete in the order that is specified in the policy to access the console and
CylancePROTECT Mobile
app and
agent, respectively. For more information, see Manage authentication policies for your tenant.
You can also configure app exceptions and different authenticators for the
CylancePROTECT Mobile
. When an app exception is configured, it takes precedence over the authentication policy that is created. For more information, see Create an authentication policy.
By default, administrators must enter a one-time password to access the Cylance console after they set up their console password.