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Specify personal device options for an alert or alert template

After you select personal devices for an alert or alert template, you can specify options for most of the devices.
  1. In the
    Target Users
    field, click
    Select Personal Devices
  2. In the
    Personal Devices
    field, select the check boxes next to each of the personal devices you want to use as targeting methods.
  3. Click
    in the top corner of the Personal Devices field.
    The Personal Devices Options screen opens, displaying separate tabs and separate options for each device you selected in Step 2.
  4. After selecting options, click
The following table details the options that are available for the most common device types.
Device Type
Desktop Popup
App Template
  • All desktop pop-up alerts display the alert severity and type, and, if available, a link to the alert location.
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    provides default templates, one for each severity: High, Moderate, Low, Informational, and Unknown.
  • Specify the desktop delivery template, either the default template or a custom template.
  • If you choose
    Use Custom Template
    , you can pick from any existing templates.
  • Best Practice
    : Click
    to preview the custom template.
If your operating system has been magnified to 150% or higher, reduce the amount of text in the alert. If the alert exceeds the size of the alert dialog, the scroll bars might be unavailable.
App Audio
  • Select whether to use the default or a custom audio sound. The default audio is predefined by your organization.
  • If you choose
    Use Custom Audio
    , you can pick from any existing audio sound.
  • Best Practice
    : Click ► to preview audio selections.
Map Image in Alert
to include the location set in an alert template as a map in an alert. Users who receive the alert can click the image of the map in the alert to go to an interactive map.
Email (for non-bilingual alerts)
The device options for Email devices are set on the preview screen. For more information, see Preview and publish an alert.
Email (for bilingual alerts)
Email Template
Specify the email template, either the default template or a custom template.
BlackBerry AtHoc
provides default templates  for each severity: High, Moderate, Low, Informational, and Forgot Password.
If you select a custom template and your email delivery system does not support it, the default template is used.
Email Message Content
  • Select
    Alert Title and Body
    to use the information in the alert title and body fields as the email message content.
  • Select
    Custom Text
    to enter a custom title and message body as the email message content.
Map Image in Alert
to include the location set in an alert template as a map in an alert. Users who receive the alert can click the image of the map in the alert to go to an interactive map.
Text Messaging
Content Sent Via Text
  • Select
    Alert Title and Body (Short)
    to use the first 1250 characters of the alert title and body as the text message content. The text message content is truncated at the first space before the 1250th character. If the content is truncated, the text message includes a link users can click to view the complete alert text. This is the default option.
  • Select
    Alert Title
    to use the information in the alert title as the text message content.
  • Select
    Custom Text
    to enter a custom message as the text message content. The maximum is 1250 characters.
  • Targeted users within countries that have a provisioned SMS country code can respond to SMS alerts. Users within countries that do not have a provisioned country code cannot respond to SMS alerts. For more information, including a list of countries with a provisioned code, refer to
    How does
    SMS support sending text messages to countries abroad?
    on the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    customer support site.
  • Select
    Alert Title and Body
    to use the information in the alert title and body fields as the pager message content.
  • Select
    Custom Text
    to enter a custom message as the pager message content.
Cisco IP Phone Display
Alert Image
  • Select
    if you do not want an image to accompany the alert.
  • Select
    to select an image from a predefined list.
  • Select
    Online Image
    to enter the URL for an image that you want to accompany the alert.
  • Select
    No Ringtone
    if you do not want a ringtone to play before the alert
  • Select
    Use Ringtone
    to select a ringtone from a predefined list. The tone will sound before the alert content plays.
Audio Broadcast
  • Select
    No audio message
    if you want no audio to play when the alert is received.
  • Select
    Audio - Title and Body
    if you want the alert title and body to play when the alert is received. If you select this option, you can specify the number of times to replay the alert.
  • Select
    Audio - Title Only
    if you want the alert title to play when the alert is received. If you select this option, you can specify the number of times to replay the alert.
  • Select
    Audio - Body Only
    if you want the alert body to play when the alert is received. If you select this option, you can specify the number of times to replay the alert.
  • Select
    if you want to enter custom text for the alert. If you select this option, you can specify the number of times to replay the alert.
Phone Message Content
Recipient Answers the Call
Select what happens after the recipient answers the call:
  • Deliver alert without any authentication.
  • Deliver alert only after the provided PIN is entered.
  • Deliver alert only after user validation.
Recipient Does Not Answer the Call
Select what happens if the call is not answered:
  • Deliver alert as voice mail.
  • Leave callback information in the voicemail.
    If this option is selected, the end user must have a PIN associated with their account to retrieve the alert message from a phone number other than the phone number targeted in the alert.
  • No voice mail.
Requires Acknowledgment
Select if the alert has no response options. The acknowledgment steps are provided at the end of the alert.
Stop Calling Options
Select the criteria that stop calls from being made to the alert recipient:
  • Recipient acknowledged the message.
  • Recipient listened to entire message.
  • Entire message left on voicemail.
Call Attempts
Enter the number of attempts the system makes to contact each recipient.
Retry Interval
Enter the amount of time that must elapse before the system tries again to contact the recipient.
BlackBerry AtHoc
Mobile App
Repeat Notification
Each alert is only sent once. This option specifies if and how often notifications about the alert are repeated on a mobile device.
  • None
    : Send the alert notification once.
  • Default
    : Use the default time that has been defined for the selected severity.
    • For
      severity alerts, the default is one notification a minute for 10 minutes.
    • For
      , or
      severity alerts, the default is one notification a minute for 2 minutes.
  • Custom
    • Select how long to repeat the notification if the user does not respond.
    • Select how long to pause between each repetition.
      Ensure that the pause time is smaller than the repetition timeframe. For example, if you set the
      Stop Repetition After
      value for 5 minutes, and the
      Pause between Notifications
      value to 30 seconds, the notification can be repeated up to 9 times. However, if the
      Stop Repetition After
      value is 5 minutes, but the
      Pause between Notifications
      value is 6 minutes, the notification is repeated only once.
Alert notifications repeat until one of the following actions occur:
  • The recipient responds to the alert from any of the mobile apps on which the same recipient is registered. Responses sent from other devices such as email, phone, or SMS, do not stop the notification.
  • The defined timeframe for repeat notifications elapses.
  • The alert ends.
Deliver Alert with Sound
  • Select
    if you want the mobile device to play a sound according to the alert severity and device settings. For High severity alerts, this setting overrides the device settings and plays a sound when an alert is delivered. For all non high-severity alerts, the sound setting on the mobile device takes precedence. This is the default.
  • Select
    to prevent the mobile device from playing any sounds. Alerts of any severity are delivered silently.