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Shape layers

You must be familiar with Geo Information System tools and know how to create map shapes before attempting to add a shape layer. Contact
BlackBerry AtHoc
customer support for help with using GIS to add a shape layer.
The Shape Layers section of the Map Settings screen displays details about each of the shape layers that have been configured for maps. Shape layers enable you to:
  • View the boundaries of shapes and polygons on the map.
  • View users and connected organizations that are in defined shape boundaries by their location attributes.
  • Target users and connected organizations that are in shape boundaries in alerts and events based on their last known location, location attribute, or selected geographical area of interest.
  • Create custom user attributes.
The locations in the shape file are called Imported Shape Layers on the live map and Predefined Locations on the publisher map.
Only shape files that contain polygons and multipolygons can be imported. If your shape file contains any of the following items, the file cannot be imported:
  • Point data
  • Polylines (linestrings)
  • Polygons and polylines (linestrings)
  • Self-intersecting polygons
If you need to display points on a map, you should use an external third party tool to create a polygon buffer around each point, and then import the buffer polygons.
The imported shape file should not exceed 100 Mb and should be saved as a .zip file containing one of each of the following file types: .prj, .dbf, and .shp.
BlackBerry AtHoc
supports the GCS_WGS_1984 Geographical Coordinate System, with the following data:
  • Well-known ID: 4326
  • Name: GCS_WGS_1984
  • GCS Data
    GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]
: Before adding a shape layer, Validate your shape file using QGIS.