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Export sent alerts

BlackBerry AtHoc
system enables you to export the details of sent alerts to a .csv file. The report contains the following columns: Alert ID, Alert Title, Alert Body, Start Time, Publisher, Severity, Type, Status, Targeted, Sent, Responded, and Error.
If you are logged in to an enterprise or super enterprise organization as an Enterprise Administrator, the Organization column is included.
You must be a Report Manager to export sent alerts.
If the Sent Alerts page is sorted by column, the exported report reflects the sorting.
  1. In the navigation bar, click
    Sent Alerts
  2. On the
    Sent Alerts
    screen, use the search field or scroll down to locate the sent alerts you want to export.
  3. Select the sent alerts you want to export.
  4. Select
    More Actions
The .csv file downloads to your computer.