Filter the alert list
You can filter the alert list by any combination of the following attributes: severity, publisher, start date, type, folder, organization, and status.
- In the navigation bar, clickAlerts>Sent Alerts.
- On theSent Alertsscreen, clickAdvancedto open the advanced filtering options.
- Select any of the following filters:
- Severity: Select one or more severity levels:High,Moderate,Low,Informational, orUnknown.
- Publisher: Select the name of an alert publisher.
- Start Date: Select the beginning and end dates of a date range. The alert list then displays only those alerts that have a start date that falls within the specified range.
- Type: Select types of alerts.
- Folder: Select the name of a folder to limit the search to only alerts within that folder.
- Organization: (Enterprise and super enterprise organizations only): Select one or more organizations. Organizations are displayed hierarchically, with suborganizations displayed beneath their enterprise organizations and sub enterprise organizations displayed beneath their super enterprise organizations. The Organization search filter is available only to Enterprise Administrators and System Administrators.
- Status: Select from the following status options:Select All,Ended,Draft,Scheduled,Live. You can select multiple status values.
- Optionally, to remove filters from the search, select and then deselect theAllorAnyoption from the pull-down lists. To remove aDatefilter, highlight the date in the field, then pressDelete.
- ClickSearch. The alert list displays all alerts that match the filter criteria.
- Optionally, to remove a search filter, click the in the search pill.
- Optionally, to remove all filters and return to the default alert list, clickClear Allunder theSearchbutton.