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Threat event fields

The following information displays in the Events List:
File Event
Acknowledging an event means it has been reviewed.
Detected By
This is the name of the
CylancePROTECT Desktop
feature that detected the event.
Device Name
This is the name of the device.
File Owner
This is the owner of the file that is considered to be a threat.
File Path
This is the path where the threat was found.
File Status
This is the status of the file on the device. The status can be Unsafe, Quarantined, Waived, or Abnormal.
Global List
This indicates whether an event has been added to the Global Quarantine list or Global Safelist. If the event is new, the field will be blank.
This is the SHA256 hash for the file.
Reported On
This is the date and time the event was first discovered in your organization.
This is the
Score for the event. The range is -1 to -1,000. See Cylance score for more information.