Things to consider about CylanceON-PREM
Item | Description |
Password reset | Currently, there is no mechanism for a user to reset or recover their password on their own. A CylanceON-PREM administrator can set a new password for the user. Administrators should generate a random password when they change or reset a user's password. Do no use a generic password because the password may already be in the user's history (last 10 passwords), so it will be prohibited. |
Communication through another CylanceON-PREM virtual appliance | A CylanceON-PREM virtual appliance cannot communicate to or through another CylanceON-PREM virtual appliance. |
CylanceOPTICS | CylanceON-PREM currently does not support CylanceOPTICS . |
Command line access | CylanceON-PREM does not support command line access to the virtual appliance.CylanceON-PREM was purposefully hardened to prevent any tampering with the virtual appliance because it is a proprietary system. Modifying anything on the virtual appliance or gaining access to it is not supported. |
Devices must communicate with CylanceON-PREM DNS hostname | Devices configured to communicate with CylanceON-PREM must be able to communicate with the DNS hostname you created for CylanceON-PREM . Removing a device from that network results in the device being offline. In offline mode, agents will continue to function as designed, using the last policy update received while the device was online. |
Database migration | There are currently no migration options to go from an all-in-one virtual appliance to an endpoint management virtual console with an external database (PostgreSQL), or vice versa. This includes upgrading the virtual appliance. After a virtual appliance is deployed with either an internal database or external database, it cannot be changed. |
Virtualization high availability | If your virtualization application has a high availability feature, it is recommended to use it to provide failure protection against hardware and operating system outages for your CylanceON-PREM environment. For example, see VMware's article here. |
CylanceON-PREM system account | When you deploy CylanceON-PREM for the first time, it creates a system account (First Name=system and Email=system@onprem.local) that is used in Audit Logs to identify actions taken by the system versus actions taken by a CylanceON-PREM user. For example, the system account is used when the system applies a policy to a device as a result of a policy rules match. |