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Set agent logging level

Agent logs provide details about agent activity, including errors and warnings. There are four levels of logging available:
  • Errors - Records errors only
  • Warnings - Records errors and warnings
  • Information - Gives a baseline of activity by the program that includes information, errors, and warnings. This is the default agent setting.
  • Verbose - Detailed information of program activity; useful for troubleshooting.
    Verbose logging can use a lot of disc space due to the amount of information recorded. It is recommended to only enable verbose logging while troubleshooting issues. When troubleshooting is complete, set the agent logging level to information.
  1. In the console, on the menu bar, click
    Devices > Device List
  2. Click on a device to view the device details page.
  3. For
    Agent Logging Level
    , select a logging level.
  4. Click