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Create a user

has two pre-defined roles: Administrator and Read-Only. You can create custom roles and assign them to users. For more information on custom roles, see Managing roles.
  1. In the console, on the menu bar, click
    Access Management > User Management
    . Optionally, you can click the User Management widget on the Dashboard.
  2. Click
    Create User
  3. Type in the user information – First Name, Last Name, and email address. The email address must be unique to your console. The user’s email address is their username.
  4. Type and confirm a password for the user. See Password requirements for important information about setting passwords.
  5. Select an
    Associated Role
    for the user. Optionally, if you are assigning a Read-Only role to a user with a local user account, you can enable the
    No password expiration for read-only accounts
  6. Click
    . You must communicate the username and password to the appropriate user. It is highly recommended the user change the password the first time they log in.
    does not provide any email notifications.
To edit a user, click in the Action column beside the entry.
To delete a user, click besides the user you want to delete and click
. A message displays prompting you to confirm the deletion. Click
Remove User
. Deleted users are permanently removed from the system and cannot be recovered. You should deactivate a user if you want to keep a record of the user in the system or need to reactivate them in the future.