Create a configuration file for the Linux agent installation
agent installationBefore you install the
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent on Linux
devices, you must create configuration file which is used to register the device with your Cylance Endpoint Security
tenant and define local agent settings. After the installation of the agent, the configuration file is removed from the device. CylancePROTECT Desktop
requires config_defaults.txt
to only contain line feed as a line ending. If you are creating the file from a DOS/Windows computer, the line ending includes carriage return and line feed. For instructions on how to convert the config_defaults.txt file to a proper format, visit to read article 65749.- In the/opt/cylance/directory, create theconfig_defaults.txtfile.
- Edit the file with the following information.InstallToken=YOUR_INSTALL_TOKEN SelfProtectionLevel=2 LogLevel=2 VenueZone=ZONE_NAME UiMode=2 AWS=1
- ReplaceYOUR_INSTALL_TOKENwith the installation token from the management console.
- ReplaceZONE_NAMEwith the name of the zone that you want to add the device to. If the specified zone doesn't exist in the console, it will be automatically created.
ParameterDescriptionInstallTokenThis field is required and specifies theCylance Endpoint Securitytenant that you want the device to register with. Use the installation token from theSettings > Applicationmenu in the management console.SelfProtectionLevelThis setting restricts the level of access to the Cylance Service and folders.- 1: Only Local Administrators can make changes to the registry and services.
- 2: Only the System Administrator can make changes to the registry and services.
The default setting is "2".LogLevelThis setting specifies the level of information gathered in the debug logs.- 0: Error
- 1: Warning
- 2: Information
- 3: Verbose
The default setting is "2". If verbose logging is selected, the file size of the log grows quickly.VenueZoneThis setting specifies the zone that you want to add the device to.- If the specified zone name does not exist in the console, the zone is created using the name provided.
- If the zone name or device name leads or ends with whitespace (for example, " Hello" or "Hello "), it is removed during device registration. Tabs, carriage returns, newlines, or other invisible characters are not permitted.
- Zone names cannot contain an equal sign (=). For example, "Hello=World" is not permitted.
UiModeThis setting specifies the agent user interface mode when the system starts.- 1: Minimal user-interface
- 2: Full user-interface
The default setting is "2".AWSThis setting specifies that the agent is running on anAmazon Web Serviceshost. By default, the device's hostname is used as the Device Name in the management console. Enable this setting to allow the agent to capture the Instance ID from the host and store it with the hostname to the Device Name field in the console. This setting makes sure that each agent on aAmazon Web Serviceshost reports a unique device name to the management console.1: Enable the agent to capture the Instance ID.The Device Name is modified to include Hostname + Instance ID. The instance ID is denoted with the "i-" prefix.ABC-DE-123456789_i-0a1b2cd34efg56789 where the device name is ABCDE- 12345678 and the AWS EC2 ID is i-0a1b2cd34efg56789.