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Setting up the

Devices are added to your organization by installing the
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent on each system. When they are connected to the
console, you can apply policies to manage identified threats and organize your devices based on your needs.
The agent is designed to use a minimal amount of system resources. The agent treats files or processes that execute as a priority because these events could be malicious. Files that are simply on disk (in storage but not executing) take a lower priority because while these could be malicious, they do not pose an immediate threat.
CylancePROTECT Desktop
Agent version 1480 or higher to be installed on the endpoints. The agent also requires an installation parameter to configure the agent to communicate with your
virtual appliance
An installation token is required when installing the
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent. The installation token is found in the management console. Using a web browser, log in to
and copy the installation token found on the
page. When initially deploying, you must limit the installation of agents to batches of 1,000 endpoints at a time to avoid issues with horizontal scaling during initial endpoint activity.