- Using dashboards
- Managing alerts across Cylance Endpoint Security services
- Managing users, devices, and groups
- Manage CylancePROTECT Desktop and CylanceOPTICS devices
- Manage zones
- Manage devices with the CylancePROTECT Mobile app
- Manage CylancePROTECT Mobile app and CylanceGATEWAY users
- View CylanceAVERT user details
- Manage user groups
- Configure device lifecycle management
- View a list of applications installed on CylancePROTECT Desktop devices
- Remove a registered FIDO device for a user account
- Discover unprotected devices
- Managing threats detected by CylancePROTECT Desktop
- Managing safe and unsafe lists for CylancePROTECT Desktop and CylancePROTECT Mobile
- Add a file to the CylancePROTECT Desktop global quarantine or global safe list
- Add a file to the CylancePROTECT Desktop local quarantine or local safe list
- Add a certificate to the CylancePROTECT Desktop global safe list
- Add an app, certificate, IP address, domain, or installer source to the CylancePROTECT Mobile safe or restricted list
- Analyzing data collected by CylanceOPTICS
- Using CylanceOPTICS to detect and respond to events
- Auditing administrator actions
- Managing logs
- Send events to a SIEM solution or syslog server
- Enable access to the Cylance User API
- Troubleshooting Cylance Endpoint Security
- Using the BlackBerry Support Collection Tool
- Using the Report a problem feature
- Removing the BlackBerry Connectivity Node software from Cylance Endpoint Security
- Troubleshooting CylancePROTECT Desktop
- Remove the CylancePROTECT Desktop agent from a device
- Re-register a Linux agent
- Troubleshoot update, status, and connectivity issues with CylancePROTECT Desktop
- A large number of DYLD Injection violations are reported by Linux devices
- Time zone variances for CylancePROTECT Desktop
- Folder exclusions when using CylancePROTECT Desktop with third-party security products
- Linux driver is not loaded. Upgrade the driver package.
- Troubleshooting CylanceOPTICS
- Managing threats detected by CylancePROTECT Mobile
- View mobile OS vulnerabilities
- Monitoring network connections with CylanceGATEWAY
- Monitoring sensitive files with CylanceAVERT
Share a dashboard
You can share the dashboards that you create or modify with other administrator users.
- You must have the Administrator role to share a dashboard with other administrators.
- In the management console, navigate to the dashboard that you want to share.
- Click> Share dashboard.
- Select whether you want to share the dashboard with all administrators or select administrators. If you choose to share with specific administrators, search for and add the administrators to the list.
- ClickShare.
The administrators that you shared the dashboard with will receive a notification when they log in to the management console. They can add the shared dashboard to their Dashboard menu by navigating to the default
CylancePROTECT Mobile
or CylanceGATEWAY
dashboard, or any custom dashboard, clicking 
> Add new dashboard
, and selecting the shared dashboard in the new dashboard drop-down list. The users that you share a dashboard with cannot make changes to the shared dashboard, but they can copy it to create a new dashboard that they can modify.
The color of the icon next to the dashboard name indicates whether you are the owner of a shared dashboard (green), whether you have read-only access to a shared dashboard (brown), or whether the dashboard is shared with all administrators (orange).
- If you want to change who you share a dashboard with, navigate to the dashboard and click> Manage sharing settings.
- If you want to stop sharing a dashboard, click> Stop sharing this dashboard.