Remove the CylancePROTECT Desktop agent from a device
CylancePROTECT Desktop
agent from a device- For the devices that you want to remove theCylancePROTECT Desktopagent from, assign a device policy with no settings enabled. Verify thatProtection Settings > Prevent service shutdown from deviceandApplication Controlare turned off in the policy.
- If you require users to provide a password to remove the CylancePROTECT Desktop agent, note the password.
- Use one of the following methods to remove the agent from a device:Windows
- To manually removeCylancePROTECT Desktop, use Add/Remove programs. If an uninstall password is required, you must use the command line method below with the password protection command.
- Run the command prompt as an administrator and use one of the following commands:
- CylancePROTECTSetup.exe:CylancePROTECTSetup.exe /uninstall
- CylancePROTECT_x64.msi standard:msiexec /uninstall CylancePROTECT_x64.msi
- CylancePROTECT_x64.msiWindowsinstaller:msiexec /x CylancePROTECT_x64.msi
- CylancePROTECT_x86.msi standard:msiexec /uninstall CylancePROTECT_x86.msi
- CylancePROTECT_x86.msiWindowsinstaller:msiexec /x CylancePROTECT_x86.msi
- Product ID GUID standard:msiexec /uninstall {2E64FC5C-9286-4A31-916B-0D8AE4B22954}
- Product ID GUIDWindowsinstaller:msiexec /x {2E64FC5C-9286-4A31-916B-0D8AE4B22954}
Optional commands:- Quiet uninstall:/quiet
- Quiet and hidden:/qn
- Password protection:UNINSTALLKEY=”<password>”
- Auto quarantined files:QUARANTINEDISPOSETYPE=<0_or_1>
- 0 deletes all files
- 1 restores all files
- Generate uninstall log file:/Lxv*<path_including_file_name>
macOSRun the following command:sudo /Applications/Cylance/Uninstall\\ CylancePROTECTIf an uninstall password is required, add the following parameter:--password=<password>Linux- Use one of the following commands to uninstall the agent:
- RHEL/CentOS:rpm -e $(rpm -qa | grep -i cylance)
- Ubuntu/Debian:dpkg -P cylance-protect cylance-protect-ui cylance-protect-driver cylance-protect-open-driver
- AmazonLinux2/SUSE:rpm -e $(rpm -qa | grep -i cylance)
- Use one of the following commands to uninstall theLinuxagent drivers:
- RHEL/CentOS:rpm -e CylancePROTECTDriver CylancePROTECTOpenDriver
- Ubuntu/Debian:dpkg -P cylance-protect-driver cylance-protect-open-driver
- AmazonLinux2:rpm -e CylancePROTECTDriver-<package_version>.amzn2.x86_64 rpm -e CylancePROTECTOpenDriver-<package_version>.amzn2.86_64
- In the management console, inAssets > Devices, select the device and clickRemove. ClickYesto confirm.