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Reserved commands for remote response

The following reserved commands, which are common across the supported OS platforms, do not interact directly with the native shell on the device.
This command clears the remote response terminal window.
This command copies the specified file (which must include the file name) from the device and uploads it to your web browser so you can save it to your local system. If the file is larger than 70 MB, the command will fail with an error.
rr-get C:\Program Files\Cylance\Desktop\2021-03-26.log
This command displays a list of the reserved commands.
This command opens a file browser window that allows you to select a file from your local system that will be sent to the specified directory on the device (for example, the user’s downloads folder). If the file is larger than 70 MB, the command will fail with an error.
rr-put C:\Users\username\Downloads
This command ends the remote response session. The terminal window remains open so you can view the session history, but commands are no longer sent or received.