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Sort workspaces, folders, and files

You can control how workspaces, folders, and files are listed in the content area. The current sort type and sort order is indicated on the grey bar at the top of any folder or file list.
  • Workspaces can be sorted by 
    Creation date
  • Files can be sorted by 
    Date modified
    , and 
Items on the Home screen can be sorted by date:.
  • Pending read acknowledgement items can be sorted by Date modified
  • Recent items can be sorted by Action date
  • Favorites can be sorted by Date added
  • Shared with me items can be sorted by Date shared
  1. To change the sort type:
    1. Click the current sort type.
    2. Select a new sort type from the drop down.
  2. To toggle the sort order, click the current sort order.