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Importing and exporting operators

The Operator Import and Export feature enables Enterprise Administrators and Organization Administrators to add a large number of operator accounts to their
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organization by using a CSV file. Enterprise Administrators can also import and export operators for all suborganizations from an enterprise organization. Enterprise Administrators in a super enterprise organization can import and export operators for all sub enterprise and suborganizations in the super enterprise organization.
The Operators Import and Export feature is enabled for all organizations by default. This feature can be disabled for any organization, if needed. For more information, see "Enable and disable features" in the
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System Settings and Configuration
The Operator Import and Export feature enables administrators to perform the following actions for up to 500 operators in a single operation:
  • Add operator roles to existing users
  • Add restrictions to existing users
  • Remove operator roles and restrictions from existing users
  • Revoke all operator permissions
  • Add or remove operator user base restrictions
  • Add or remove operator access to static distribution lists, dynamic distribution lists, user bases, and folders
  • Update password expiration settings
  • Update the "User must change password at next login" setting
  • Add or remove an operator's ability to manage dependents or publish alerts to dependents
Prerequisites and restrictions
  • You must be an Enterprise Administrator or Organization Administrator. In a super enterprise, you must be an Enterprise Administrator.
  • Operators cannot update their own permissions.
  • Operator accounts that have the Service Account option selected cannot have their permissions revoked via operator import.
  • Operators cannot assign or revoke higher level operator permissions than their own permissions. For example, an Organization Administrator can revoke or grant Organization Administrator permissions to another operator, but cannot grant Enterprise Administrator or System Administrator permissions.
  • Only existing enabled users in the given organization can be imported as operators.
  • If an import includes an Organization column and you are performing the import from an enterprise organization, operators are imported for both the enterprise and suborganizations. Only Enterprise Administrators can import or export operators across the enterprise and suborganizations.
  • If an import includes an Organization column and you are performing the import from a super enterprise organization, operators are imported for both the sub enterprise organizations and suborganizations. Only Enterprise Administrators can import or export operators across the super enterprise, sub enterprise organizations, and suborganizations.
  • If no Organization column is included in the import file, operators are imported only to the current organization.
  • When updating a user base restriction for an operator, there is a limit of 10 conditions. You can use the OR or AND operators to update a user base restriction. You must enclose each condition and operand with double quotation marks (""). For example,
    "username" "contains" "abc" OR "organizational hierarchy" "at or below" "xyz"
  • All distribution lists, folders, and attributes being imported for an operator account must already exist in your organization.
  • Only users with unique user names and mapping IDs in the system can be granted operator permissions.
  • Operator import does not support these fields: Firstname, Lastname, Displayname, Password changed date, and Last login date. If the import file contains these columns, they are ignored and the import proceeds without error. These columns may appear in your import file if you exported operator information and then modified the export file for import.
  • Partial import is not supported. (If an attribute for an operator in the import CSV file is incorrect, the operator is not imported.)
  • Up to 500 operators can be imported in a single import.
  • Parallel imports are not supported. Only a single operator or user import can be processed at a time.