Organization Administrator
The Organization Administrator role provides the maximum privileges in a single organization.
- Create and publish alerts
- Create and save a draft alert
- View, search for, and mark alerts as reviewed from the Inbox
- Forward and reply to alerts from the Inbox
- Create, edit, duplicate, end, publish, and delete alerts, find alerts on the live map, and search for alerts from the Sent Alerts screen
- Export sent alerts from the Sent Alerts screen
- View advanced reports and the users list from Sent Alerts
- Create, edit, import, export, search for, delete, and duplicate alert templates
- Reset system alert template to default values
- Create new alert folders, edit personal folders, search for folders
- Configure audio files
- Configure delivery templates
- Configure devices
- Configure mobile alert settings
- Configure alert rules
- Create and edit alert placeholders
- View, search, and export activity logs
- Create and edit activity logs
- Publish activity logs
- Add, edit, or delete users
- Import and export users
- Enable and disable users
- Add and remove users from static distribution lists
- Move and subscribe users from their suborganization to other suborganizations
- Grant operator permissions
- Revoke operator permissions
- Manage distribution lists
- Manage user attributes
- Prioritize personal devices
- Create and import service accounts
Mobile publishing
Publish alerts from the mobile app
Publisher map
Export users list
Live map
- Access the live map
- View layers
- View users
- View users in drawn shapes
- View incoming alerts
- View live alerts and events
- Publish a quick alert
- Export users
Use the live map
View personnel, alerts usage, and user summary reports
Organizations (Connect)
- View Connected organizations
- Connect with organizations
- View sent invitations
- Access All Organizations screen
- Access the Connect profile
- Create a new plan
- Edit a plan
- Delete a plan
- Duplicate a plan
- Disable a plan
- Enable a plan
- Approve a plan
- View active plans
Plan Incidents
- Create an incident
- Edit an incident
- Edit a draft incident
- End an incident
- Publish an incident
- Export an incident
- Activate plan steps
- Start a collaboration
- View and participate in all active collaborations in their organization
- View and participate in collaborations from theBlackBerry AtHocmobile app
- End a collaboration
- Export ended collaborations
Basic settings
- Configure general settings
- Configure dependent profile page layout
- Configure alert placeholder settings
- Configure alert template settings
- Configure alert folder settings
- Configure delivery template settings
- Configure audio file settings
- Configure mobile alert settings
- Configure alert rule settings
- Configure map settings
- Configure external events settings
AtHoc Connect settings
AtHoc Connect
profile settingsSystem setup settings
- Configure security policy settings
- Configure integration manager settings
- Configure API application settings
- Access the operator audit trail
- View geocoding summary and logs
User settings
- Grant external operator permissions
- Disable and delete end users
- Configure distribution list folders
- Configure user attribute settings
- Translate custom user attributes
- Configure user authentication
- Configure SMS Opt-in
Map settings
- Manage map settings
- Set default map view
- Add shape layer
- Add distribution list
Device settings
- Configure device settings
- Configure mass device endpoints
- Configure desktop app settings
- Configure mobile app settings
Device Manager
- Access the device manager
- View device details
- Enable and disable devices
- Edit devices
- Set device delivery preference