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User base overview

A user base is a subset of end users that an operator can target alerts to and access through the Users and the Distribution Lists screens. Operators who have an unrestricted user base can target and access any user in the
BlackBerry AtHoc
system, while operators who have a restricted user base can target only the end users in their user base.
Operators who have a restricted user base cannot view information about users outside of their authorized user base, including in advanced reports, alert report summaries, delivery summary .csv files, or from the Details tab of a sent alert. A banner indicates how many users out of the total number are accessible for an operator with a restricted user base.
If an operator with a restricted user base creates another operator, the new operator has the same user base restrictions. The parent operator can further restrict the user base of the new operator, but cannot assign them a less restricted user base.
The user base of an operator consists of end users from the following sources, which can be assigned using the User Base and Distribution Lists Permissions tabs of the operator:
  • Organizational nodes
    (Optional. Not available on all systems): Users are selected based on membership in selected organizations.
  • Standard or customized user attributes assigned to end users
    : Users are selected based on specific attributes such as department, job function, or location.
  • Distribution lists
    : Users are selected based on their inclusion in selected distribution lists. Using distributions lists to identify users might result in the inclusion of people outside the designated user base of an operator.
  • Dependents
    : Users are selected based on their relationship to a sponsor user.
The following table summarizes operator access privileges for features based on their user base.
User Base Restricted by....
Targeting Privileges
Distribution Lists Manager can...
End Users Managers can...
Custom or standard end user attributes
Operators can target only users who meet the specified attribute conditions
  • Access the Distribution Lists screen
  • Assign users in their user base to static distribution lists
  • View users in their user base
  • Edit custom and standard user attributes
  • Edit users device addresses and alert delivery schedules
Distribution lists (DLs)
Operators can target only the DLs they have Publishing privileges to. Static DLs can include users outside the user base. Dynamic DLs include only users in user base.
  • Access the Distribution Lists screen
  • Access only the DLs they have View/Manage privileges to
Edit user memberships in static DLs
Organizational nodes
Operators can target all members of a selected organization.
Assign user base to any organization to which operator has access privileges
Operators can target the dependent users of targeted sponsors.
View and Edit dependents