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Specify app rating and review settings for multiple apps

When you specify whether users can rate an app, provide reviews of an app, and see reviews provided by other users, the permission specified applies to all version of the app.
  1. In the management console, on the menu, click
  2. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Select the check box at the top of the apps list to select all apps.
    • Select the check box for each app that you want to enable the app and rating review for.
  3. Click the The Edit app ratings and reviews icon.
  4. Select one of the following permissions:
    • If you want users to rate and provide a review for the app, as well as read reviews submitted by other users in your environment, select
      Public mode
    • If you want users to only rate and provide reviews of apps, select
      Private mode
      , Users cannot see reviews provided by other users. You can see reviews in the
      BlackBerry UEM
      management console.
    • If you don't want users to rate or provide reviews of apps, or see reviews provided by other users, select
  5. Click