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Rating and reviewing apps

You can specify whether users in your organization can rate and review
, and
10 apps and allow them to see reviews provided by other users. Ratings and reviews submitted for apps cannot be seen by users outside your environment.
You can view the average rating of an app, the number of reviews submitted, and read the individual reviews for the app. You can also delete ratings and reviews as required.
When you add multiple versions of a custom app to
and enable app rating and review for one version of the app, the setting specified applies to all versions of the custom app. The average rating and review count and app rating and reviews submitted for different versions of the custom app display the same information for each version.
By default, new apps added to the app list in the
management console allow users to rate the app, provide reviews of the app, and see reviews provided by other users in your organization. By default, app rating and review is disabled for existing apps, but you can enable this feature as required. When app rating and review is enabled for an app, the permission applies to any version of the app that is added to
Rating and reviewing apps is not supported on
Android Enterprise