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Device notifications for new and updated apps

In most cases, users receive notifications on their devices when you assign new apps, or when updates are available for internal apps. In addition to device notifications, any new or updated apps appear in the "New" list of the app catalog in the
BlackBerry UEM Client
or the Work Apps app.
Apps (both required and optional) appear in the "New" list in the following situations:
  • An app is assigned to a user and the app is not already installed on their device
  • An app is assigned to a user and is automatically installed
  • An upgrade for an installed app is available
  • Users have
    BlackBerry Access
    installed on their devices
  • The "Feature - BlackBerry App Store" entitlement has been assigned to users
BlackBerry UEM
will periodically resend notifications to devices if apps remain in the "New" list.
In the "New" list of apps, if a user clicks on a new app to see the app details, the app is removed from the "New" list whether or not the user installs the app. If a user clicks on an updated app, the app remains in the list until the update is installed.