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Highlight your files

  1. Tap The highlighter icon to select the text highlighter. By default, the last-used color is selected.
  2. Use your finger as you would a pen to highlight text in your file.
  3. To change the marker color, tap The highlighter icon again and select the desired color.
    Once selected, the tool customization menu closes.
  4. To change the color of the highlighted text, tap it, and in the pop-up box, tap the desired color.
  5. To delete the highlight immediately after highlighting text, tap The close icon.
  6. When done, tap The save icon to save. The drawing is saved:
    • When you tap The checkmark icon.
    • When you change the annotation tool and make another annotation.
    • When you close the file.
  7. To select the highlighted text after saving, first tap The close icon to close the annotation menu bar. You can then tap the highlight and edit the color or delete the highlight, as described above.
  8. To delete the highlight, tap it and then tap