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Upload a file, photo, or video from your device

  1. Tap 
    iOS access menu > Workspaces
  2. Browse to the folder where you want to upload a file, photo, or video.
  3. Tap
    The create icon
    Upload files, photos or videos
  4. Tap
    Select files, photos or videos
    and tap one of the following:
    • Photo or Video
    • Files
  5. Select the file, photo, or video that you want to upload.
  6. Optionally, change the location that you want to upload to.
    1. In the
      section, tap the name of the folder that is selected.
    2. Browse to the target location. If necessary, you can tap
      Add Folder
      and create a new folder.
    3. Tap
  7. To notify other members of the workspace about the upload, enable the
    Notify members
  8. Tap