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Take and upload a photo or video

  1. In the navigation pane, tap
    The create icon
    Take Photo or Video
    Your device camera opens.
  2. Take a photo or video as usual.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Tap
      to redo the shot.
    • Tap
      Use Photo/Video
      to use the photo or video.
  4. Tap
    Upload photo/video
    The right arrow.
  5. In the
    Select Upload Location
    area, tap the current location, and browse to the desired location.
  6. (Optional) To add a new folder, tap
    Add Folder
    , enter a folder name, and tap
  7. Tap
  8. To notify other members of the workspace of the upload, set the
    Notify members
    slider to
  9. Tap