- What is the BlackBerry AtHoc desktop app?
- Install the desktop app
- Uninstall the desktop app
- Desktop app network traffic
- Desktop app settings
- Operation
- Troubleshoot desktop app issues
- Appendix B: Desktop client URL parameters
- BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal
- Documentation feedback
- BlackBerry Docs
- BlackBerry AtHoc
- Desktop App 7.7 (Windows), 2.7 (Mac)
- Desktop App Installation and Administration Guide
- Troubleshoot desktop app issues
- High CPU use by application pool worker processes
High CPU use by application pool worker processes
High CPU use by application pool worker processes may be caused by one of the following conditions:
- An under-powered application server: With a single application server with 4 CPUs and 4 GB RAM, the desktop application pool worker processes use about 50% each. In this case, two worker processes use 100% of the available CPU.
- Symantec Endpoint Protection Service is scanning the database files.