- What is the BlackBerry AtHoc desktop app?
- Install the desktop app
- Uninstall the desktop app
- Desktop app network traffic
- Desktop app settings
- Operation
- Troubleshoot desktop app issues
- Appendix B: Desktop client URL parameters
- BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal
- Documentation feedback
- BlackBerry Docs
- BlackBerry AtHoc
- Desktop App 7.7 (Windows), 2.7 (Mac)
- Desktop App Installation and Administration Guide
- Troubleshoot desktop app issues
- Connection issues
- Gray globe - desktop app not connected
Gray globe - desktop app not connected
A “gray globe” icon with a red circle that has a white “x” inside indicates that the client is not connected:

The client will not appear connected until it successfully completes Sign On. There will be log entries near the point of Sign On that can point to the issue. To find where Sign On takes place, search the log for the Sign On action which is “99=SO” in the URL:
If you do not find this entry, search the log for the entry where it downloads
. This entry occurs just before Sign On:...https://(server)/config/baseurl.asp?PID=2050329....