- What is the BlackBerry AtHoc desktop app?
- Install the desktop app
- Uninstall the desktop app
- Desktop app network traffic
- Desktop app settings
- Operation
- Troubleshoot desktop app issues
- Appendix B: Desktop client URL parameters
- BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal
- Documentation feedback
Sign on
Sign on (SO) occurs each time the desktop app starts. SO is preceded by a call to
, which returns XML that includes the Base URL that the client should use for sign on. This Base URL may be different than the Base URL specified during installation. SO operations are logged by the desktop app, and can be found by searching the desktop app log for 99=SO.For Mac, if the SO is successful,
is displayed in the system tray. If the SO is not successful,
is displayed.

User creation
When the desktop app connects for the first time, the server attempts to find an existing user based on the selected authentication method and the query string parameters passed by the desktop app. If a user is not found, a new user is created. You can disable user creation in the
BlackBerry AtHoc
management system at Settings
> User Authentication