Desktop app does not connect
(Globe - connected) icon displays when it is connected to the

BlackBerry AtHoc
(Globe - disconnected) icon displays when the desktop app is disconnected.

Windows: The
(Globe - disabled) icon displays when the user account is disabled in the

BlackBerry AtHoc
system.The app might not connect to the
BlackBerry AtHoc
server due to the network configuration. To resolve the problem, do the following:- Ensure the app workstation is connected to the network.
- Verify that proxy and firewall settings are not blocking access in your browser and the Connection Settings for the app.
To verify that your app is connected to the correct server, complete the following steps:
- Click
- In the menu that appears, clickAbout.
- On theAboutscreen, click theSystem Informationtab if it is not already open.TheConnection Statusshould be Connected and theServer Base URLshould point to theBlackBerry AtHocserver. If the base URL is wrong, the usual fix is to uninstall the app and then install it, inputting the correct set of input parameters, which includes the base URL for the server.