- What is the BlackBerry AtHoc desktop app?
- Install the desktop app
- Uninstall the desktop app
- Desktop app network traffic
- Desktop app settings
- Operation
- Troubleshoot desktop app issues
- Appendix B: Desktop client URL parameters
- BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal
- Documentation feedback
- BlackBerry Docs
- BlackBerry AtHoc
- Desktop App 7.7 (Windows), 2.7 (Mac)
- Desktop App Installation and Administration Guide
- BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal
BlackBerry AtHoc Customer Support Portal
BlackBerry AtHoc
Customer Support PortalBlackBerry AtHoc
customers can obtain more information about BlackBerry AtHoc
products or get answers to questions about their BlackBerry AtHoc
systems through the Customer Support Portal:The
BlackBerry AtHoc
Customer Support Portal also provides support via computer-based training, operator checklists, best practice resources, reference manuals, and user guides.