Enable two-factor authentication
You can require all end user or operators in your organization to use two-factor authentication when logging in with a username and password to Self Service or to the
BlackBerry AtHoc
management system.When two-factor authentication is enabled for your organization, when a user or operator logs in, they first enter their username and password. They are then presented with a screen to select a verification code delivery method (email, text, or phone.) The user or operator then receives a verification code on their selected device which they enter to continue the login process.
The verification code expires if not used after five minutes. If the verification code expires, or the user or operator does not enter the verification code correctly, they can request a new verification code. If the user or operator attempts to log in with a second verification code, they will need to fill in a captcha field. They can request up to three verification codes. If a user or operator requests more than three verification codes, they are returned to the login page, and an unsuccessful login attempt is logged. This may result in the user or operator account becoming locked if they exceed the number of login attempts defined in the organization's security policy settings.
- Log in to theBlackBerry AtHocmanagement system as an administrator.
- In the navigation bar, click
- In theUserssection, clickUser Authentication.
- On theUser Authenticationscreen, in theEnabled Authentication Methodssection, select the Username and PasswordEnableoption.
- In theTwo-Factor Authenticationsection, select theRequire for OperatorsandRequire for Self Serviceoptions as needed.
- Select one or more methods from theVerification Code Delivery Methodslist.
- BesideUsers Unable to Log In, clickCalculateto see the number of users who do not have any selected delivery methods. If you enable two-factor authentication, users who do not have one of the selected delivery methods will not be able to log in to Self Service.
- Optionally, clickUser(s)to open theUsers Unable to Log Inwindow, where you can see which users will not be able to log in. You can export this list to a CSV file, add any missing delivery method information, and import the updated information into theBlackBerry AtHocsystem.
- ClickSave.