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Prioritize personal devices for dependents

  • Device delivery preference must be enabled for the organization.
  • At least one personal device must be enabled in the organization.
  • The dependent must have at least one enabled device with an address in their profile.
  • You be an Enterprise Administrator, Organization Administrator, End Users Manager, or Advanced Alert Manager to prioritize personal devices for a dependent.
  1. Log in to the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    management system.
  2. Click
  3. On the
    screen, select the user whose dependents you want to update.
  4. On the user details page, click
    More Actions
    View Dependents
  5. On the
    screen, click
    Prioritize Personal Devices
  6. On the
    Prioritize Personal Devices
    window, click The Reorder icon and drag to reorder the device. Personal devices are prioritized according to their position in the list, with the highest priority device appearing on top.
  7. Click