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Bulk-update users' physical locations

You can use the
BlackBerry AtHoc
CSV file import process to bulk-update your organization's users physical addresses without converting the addresses to the latitude,longitude or POINT(longitude latitude) format. When the import process begins, a query is sent to the Bing geolocation API to calculate the longitude and latitude of the user's physical address provided in the input file. Only addresses that the Bing API returns with a match code of High Confidence or Good are processed and added to the database. The latitude,longitude and POINT(longitude latitude) formats are still supported.
After the CSV file user import updates users' physical locations, a preprocessor job performs the following functions:
  • Checks for duplicate entries in the input CSV file and removes any duplicates before sending the request to the Bing API.
  • Checks the database for existing addresses before sending the request to the Bing API. Existing addresses are not sent to the Bing API for processing.
  • Sends the job to the Bing API for processing.
The preprocessor job runs automatically every 8 hours. The
BlackBerry AtHoc
management system makes three attempts to submit failed requests to the Bing API at 8 hour intervals.
The post processor job pings the Bing API every 4 hours to check the status of submitted jobs. If a job is complete, the postprocessor job performs the following functions:
  • Gets the translated geolocations in latitude,longitude from the Bing API.
  • Records the results in the database.
  • Updates the Geocoding Summary and Logs settings page in the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    management system.
  • Sends an email to the operator who initiated the bulk update that provides the status of the update including the total number of records processed, successfully processed, and not processed. The email contains a link to the Geocoding Summary and Logs settings page in the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    management system.
  • Adds a record of the update to the operator audit trail in the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    management system.
The postpocessor job runs automatically every 4 hours. The
BlackBerry AtHoc
management system makes three attempts to download the postprocessor job at 4 hour intervals.
For more information about the Geocoding Summary and Logs settings page, see "View geolocation transactions and logs" in the
BlackBerry AtHoc
System Settings and Configuration Guide