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Enable and configure safe browsing for
BlackBerry Dynamics

By default, safe browsing protection is enabled for
BlackBerry Desktop
BlackBerry Access
BlackBerry Work
BlackBerry Tasks
, and
BlackBerry Connect
. When safe browsing is enabled for
BlackBerry Access
, it is also enabled for
BlackBerry Desktop
. You must assign a
profile to user accounts to enable the feature on users’ devices.
  • Check the software requirements to verify that the required versions of
    BlackBerry Dynamics
    apps are installed on users' devices.
  • To extend safe browsing to other
    BlackBerry Dynamics
    apps, in
    Settings > CylancePROTECT > CylancePROTECT browsing and scanning
    , on the
    Protected BlackBerry Dynamics apps
    tab, edit the list to add additional apps.
  1. In the management console, on the menu bar, click
    Policies and profiles > Protection > CylancePROTECT
  2. Create a new
    profile or select and edit an existing
  3. Select the platform that you want to configure safe browsing for.
  4. Verify that the
    Check for unsafe web resources within the BlackBerry Dynamics apps
    check box is selected.
  5. In the
    Action for unsafe web resources
    drop-down list, choose one of the following:
    • To take no action and log information, click
      Monitor and log
    • To block access to unsafe URLs, click
  6. In the
    Scanning option
    drop-down list, choose one of the following:
    • If you want
      BlackBerry Dynamics
      apps to send URLs to
      to determine if they are safe, click
      Cloud scanning
    • If you want to use only the local machine learning models of the
      CylancePROTECT Mobile
      library to identify unsafe URLs, click
      On device scanning
    • If you want to disable URL scanning, click
      No scanning
    The approved and blocked domains that you configure are enforced regardless of the option that you choose.
  7. If you selected cloud or on-device scanning, and you want to give the user a warning and the option to proceed when a URL has been identified as unsafe, select the
    Allow users to override blocked resources and enable access to the requested domain
    check box.
    Note that users cannot choose to proceed to a URL in a blocked domain. This bypass feature does not apply to sub-resource URLs.
  8. If necessary, repeat steps 3 to 7 to configure safe browsing for the other platforms.
  9. Click