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Set sharing policies

  1. In the left pane, select
    Security policies > Sharing
  2. In the
    Enable autocomplete
    area, to enable the autocomplete feature, select
    Enable autocomplete when sharing files
    . You can choose the following options:
    • To allow autocomplete for workspace administrators and senders only, select
      Only for workspace administrators and users
    • To allow autocomplete for anyone sharing a file, including external users and visitors, select
      For all users
    • Specify
      Display autocomplete for all users on the system, including users who may be outside your organization
      Display autocomplete only for internal domains as configured in the Licensing section of the Workspaces admin console
    When autocomplete is enabled, potentially all email addresses of all users in the organization can be seen when typing an email address.
  3. In the
    Outlook Plugin
    area, to offer
    BlackBerry Workspaces
    user the option to send files of over 25 MB, select
    Enable sharing of large files via the Outlook plugin
  4. In the
    area, do the following:
    1. If you want to restrict individual users from changing the default file permissions when sharing or sending files, select
      Disallow users from changing default sharing or sending permissions by default
      For existing users, you must edit the user account and select the
      Disallow user from changing default sharing or sending permissions
      setting to apply the restriction. For new users, this setting is applied to the user account by default. 
    2. Configure the default permissions that are applied when a user shares a workspace. The default permissions that you can set are: Role, Permission, File expiration, Watermark, and Commenting.
  5. In the
    Sent files
    1. Select
      Enable sharing without email notification
      to enable users to decide whether to notify recipients when new files are uploaded. When selected, an additional option appears to select
      Share files with notification by default
      . This additional option (when selected) ensures that the notification option is selected by default and must be manually turned off by the sender, if desired.
    2. Select
      Enable users to share files without requiring recipients to sign in
      , if you want to give senders the option to allow recipients to view files without signing in. If you want to require that recipients to sign in by default, select
      Require recipients to sign in by default
    3. Configure the default permissions for sent files. The permissions that you can set are: Permission, File expiration, Watermark, and Commenting.
      The available permissions depend on which Enterprise mode has been set (see Configure the Enterprise mode). The permissions in the drop-down lists are the permissions templates for the different users. For more information on permissions, see Overview: BlackBerry Workspaces user roles.
  6. In the
    Sharing with email domains
    section, select
    Allow sharing files, folders and workspaces with email domains
    to display the option for users when sharing files to share files, folders, and workspaces with users in a specific email domain.
  7. In the
    Restrict sharing
    section, select
    Restrict sharing of content to only configured domains by default
    to allow users to share content with domains that are listed as an internal domain only.
    You can edit individual user accounts to remove this restriction by selecting the
    Allow sharing of content to all allowed email domains
  8. Click
    Apply changes