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Bulk delete users

Use list of multiple users to delete them in bulk from the system. To create a list of inactive users, see Generate an inactive users report.
  1. In the left pane, click 
    Central Management
  2. Select the 
     tab in the right pane. 
  3. Select 
    Bulk delete
    Users that are workspace administrators must be replaced and cannot be fully removed.
  4.  Copy and paste a .csv format list or enter multiple user emails in .csv, and click 
  5. Do one of the following: 
    • Select 
      Remove the user from all designated roles, workspace memberships, and any distribution lists, and delete all files in the user's sent items. Note: All files uploaded by this user to workspaces, and all workspaces created by the user, are not deleted and will remain in the organization
    • Select 
      Move ownership of files owned by this user, designated roles, workspace memberships and distribution lists to
      , and enter the email address of the desired user. 
    If one or more of the users you are deleting is a workspace administrator, only the “move” option is available.
  6. Click 
     to delete the selected users. 
    A confirmation message confirms the operation.