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Opening shared files

You can open files shared with you using 
BlackBerry Workspaces
. Files may be shared using email or you can find them in Received Files.
Opening a file in 
BlackBerry Workspaces
 can depend on the organization that the file originates from:
  • If the file was shared from the organization that you are currently signed in to, you can tap the shared link to the file in the email, and it opens within 
     app for 
  • If the file was shared from an organization other than the one that you are currently signed in to, you are prompted to sign in to or to switch to the organization site URL where the file you are opening is located. If you do not have a 
    BlackBerry Workspaces
     account with that organization, you can create an account. 
    If you switch between organizations to view a file, your workspaces and sent and received files switch to the files in the organization that you are signed in to. For more information, see Switch accounts.
  • If the shared file was forwarded to you, you may need to request permissions to access the file. Follow the instructions on the screen to request permission.
If a file was shared with 
 set to 
Spotlight view
, you are only permitted to open the file in the 
BlackBerry Workspaces
 Web Application.