Edit a health monitor
You must be an Enterprise Administrator or System Administrator to edit a system health monitor.
- In the navigation bar, click
- In theSystem Setupsection, clickGlobal System HealthorSystem Health, depending on which system contains the monitor you want to edit.
- On theOrganization Visibility ConsoleorSystem Visibility Consolescreen, click the name of the monitor you want to edit. The monitor details screen opens, displaying the current state of the monitor and its recent testing history.
- Click any or all of the sections on the screen to edit the fields within them:
- Testing history:
- Change the granularity of the time frame displayed in the history table by clickingHourly,Daily,Weekly, orMonthly.
- Click
to change the block of time you are looking at. For example, if the granularity is set to Monthly, click
to display the testing history for the previous month.
- Basic details:
- Change the name of the monitor, its location on the Visibility Console screen, and the time and frequency of the monitoring checks.
- Change the setting that determines whether the monitor appears on the Organization Visibility Console and whether errors and warnings about the monitor appear on the System tab on theBlackBerry AtHochomepage.
- Database Procedure:
- Update the test configuration script that is used in the monitor.
- How is the state of this Health Monitor determined?:
- Change the way the state of the monitor is determined by selecting the other option:most recent resultorcombined results.
- What happens when this Health Monitor reaches a particular state?:
- Change the implications of any or all states, and configure different transaction actions for any or all states.
- Special Case: Edit the IIS Longevity Health Monitor: If you have more than one application server, you need to modify the default settings for the IIS Longevity health monitor using the following values:
- WarningCountThreshold: The default value is 2. This default assumes one application server. For a multiple application server installation, change the value ofWarningCountThresholdto (application server count) x (default). For example, if there are two application servers, the value should be 4.
- ErrorCountThreshold: The default value is 5. The default setting assumes one application server. For a multiple application server installation, change the value ofErrorCountThresholdto (application server count) x (default). For example, if there are two application servers, the value should be 10.
- ClickSave.