Configure client server communications
Do not modify the following settings without first consulting
BlackBerry AtHoc
customer support.You must have system administrator permissions to configure client server communications.
Most settings in the Desktop App settings page are established during the initial installation and configuration with the assistance of
BlackBerry AtHoc
customer support. The settings in the Client Server Communications section of the Desktop App settings page are used to configure the settings that govern communication between the BlackBerry AtHoc
server and the desktop app, and the rate at which new alerts and user configuration updates are checked.- In the navigation bar, click
- In theDevicessection, clickDesktop App.
- On theDesktop Appwindow, scroll down to theClient Server Communicationssection.
- Select a value from theCheck Update Intervallist.The Check Update Interval (CU) determines how frequently the desktop app polls the server for updates, including alerts. A lower value causes end users to receive desktop pop-up alerts sooner. A higher value causes users to receive desktop pop-up alerts later. The minimum value is 30 seconds. The maximum value is 15 minutes. The recommended value is 2 minutes.
- Select a value from theReconnect Intervallist.The Reconnect Interval specifies the interval the desktop app waits before attempting to contact the server again when the connection is lost. The minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 10. The recommended value is 2.
- Select a value from theRecovery Intervallist.The Recovery Interval specifies the number of check update intervals the desktop app waits before attempting to contact the server again when the server responds to a Sign On (SO) or CU with an error. The minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 10. The recommended value is 2.
- Enter a value in theStart-up Delayfield.The Start-up Delay setting is a fractional value between 0 and 1 inclusive that is used to determine the amount of delay before the desktop app first attempts to sign on. A value of 0 specifies no delay and a value of 1 specifies to wait one full check update interval. A value of .5 specifies a delay of 50% of the check update interval.
- Enter a value in theCommunication Session Expires Afterfield.This option determines when the desktop app session is reset on the server. The default value is 86400 seconds (24 hours). When the desktop app session expires, the desktop app performs a sign on at the next CU.
- Enter a value in theOverride Default Communication Session Expiration Time Afterfield.This setting cleans up system sessions that were created by the SYSTEM user. Sessions that are created by the SYSTEM user when desktop apps are deployed with the installation script and RUNAFTERINSTALL is set to "Y". Sessions can be created by the SYSTEM user when the installation script is used to update computers after the desktop app is installed.This option also enables desktop apps to perform a sign on in environments where users do not turn off their computer. This option provides a way to configure desktop apps to redirect during SO.
- ClickSave.
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