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Managing workspaces

Each workspace is labeled with one of with the following icons to show your workspace role.
 The workspace icon
Signifies that the workspace is your personal workspace. For more information, see About My Workspace 
 The Workspace administrator icon
Signifies that you are a workspace administrator. Workspace administrators have full control over the workspace and its folders and files. As an administrator, you can also manage workspace groups and users. 
 The Workspace contributor icon
Signifies that you are a contributor to the workspace or have a custom role with upload capabilities. As a workspace contributor, you can manage folders and files within the workspace, and upload new files. 
 The Workspace visitor icon
Signifies that you are a visitor to the workspace. As a workspace visitor, you can access the workspace according to your permissions. As a visitor, you cannot upload files to the workspace. 
Workspace owners and administrators can manage workspaces, their folders and files, and access permissions. For more information on roles and permissions, see User roles and sharing permissions