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Add a user to a group

  1. Next to the workspace, folder, or file for which you want to add members to a group, or add a group manager, tap And_menu icon.
  2. Tap
    Manage Access
  3. Next to the group for which you want to add members or managers to the group, tap
    And_menu icon
    Add member
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To add a member to the group, in the
      Enter email addresses or distribution lists
    • To add a member as a group manager, in the
      Add group managers
    Manually add member email addresses
    Type at least one email address to add to the group.
    Select contacts from your device
    Tap AND_Add icon and select at least one contact to add to the group.
  5. Tap
    New group members and group managers are not notified that they were added to the group or given additional permissions.