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Edit member access

To edit access to a workspace, folder, or file:
  1. Next to the workspace, folder, or file for which you want to edit member access, tap And_menu icon.
  2. Tap
    Manage Access
  3. Next to the workspace member, group, or domain that you want to edit, tap And_menu icon and then tap
    Manage Permissions
  4. In the
    area, tap And_menu icon and select a role.
    For more information, see Roles
    If you set the role of an Active Directory group to Administrator, you cannot change this role later. If you set the role of an Active Directory group to Contributor or Visitor, the role cannot be changed to Administrator at a later time.
  5. In the
    area, tap And_menu icon and select a permissions set.
    For more information see Permissions.
    Advanced Rights Management
    permissions set is available for
    BlackBerry Workspaces
    Enterprise ES Mode and
    BlackBerry Workspaces
    Enterprise ES (Restrict Full Access) Mode only. For more information, contact your organization administrator.
  6. In the
    area, tap And_menu icon and select when access to the file is revoked.
    Select a specific date, a time period from the list, or never. If you select
    Specific date
    , choose the desired date from the calendar and tap
  7. Toggle
    to the on position to impose a watermark on files accessed from all
    BlackBerry Workspaces
    Watermarks are set by organizational policy.
  8. Toggle
    to the on position to enable members to add new comments on permitted files, and view comments made by other users from all
    BlackBerry Workspaces
    The comment feature is set by organizational policy.
  9. Tap