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Manage access for a sent file

Manage permissions for files you have shared.
  1. In Sent files, tap And_menu icon to the right of the desired file.
  2. Tap
    Manage Access
  3. Tap And_menu icon to the right of the person or group that you want to manage permissions for, and tap
    Manage Permissions
  4. To change the access permissions, tap And_menu icon in the
    area, and select the desired access level.
  5. To set the time when the file will no longer be accessible by the recipients, tap And_menu icon in the
    area, and select the desired time period.
  6. To ensure that the file is displayed to recipients with a watermark, toggle the
    option on.
    Watermarks are set according to organizational policy. When watermarks are turned on and permissions are set to
    Full access
    , watermarks are displayed in
    viewers on all files. When permissions are set to any of the
    Download protected
    permissions, and files are downloaded, watermarks only display on PDF files and do not display on Office files opened in their native applications.
  7. Toggle
    to the on position to enable members to add new comments on permitted files, and view comments made by other users from all
    BlackBerry Workspaces
    The comment feature is set by organizational policy.
  8. When done, tap AND_back arrowto return to the
    Manage Access