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Add Accountability Officers

After defining the user messages and workflow for an accountability template or event, you can add Accountability Officers to the event or template. Operators must have the Accountability Officer role to be added to an accountability event as an Accountability Officer.
If you are an Enterprise Administrator logged in to an enterprise organization with suborganizations, Accountability Officers can be selected from both the enterprise and suborganizations. If you are an Enterprise Administrator logged in to a super enterprise organization, Accountability Officers can be added from sub enterprises and suborganizations.
If the Accountability Officer role has been assigned to an operator in a suborganization, they are displayed as available for targeting in the Accountability Officers section of an accountability event that originates in an enterprise or super enterprise. However, roles are assigned independently for each organization. To provide the Accountability Officer access to view and respond on behalf of users, the Accountability Officer role must be granted in the enterprise or super enterprise organization.
You can add Accountability Officers by any of the following methods: