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Users tab

The Users tab provides statistics on the number of users who were targeted by the alert and the kinds of responses that were recorded from users who received the alert.
Sent Details
section contains statistics on the number of users targeted by the alert, the number of users the alert was sent to, and the number of users the system is still trying to contact, or the system failed to contact. For each of these options, a menu next to the number contains the following options:
  • Export Delivery Summary (CSV)
    : Click this option to create an exportable .csv file that contains the names of all users belonging to the category you clicked: Targeted, Sent , or In Progress or Failed. Where applicable, the .csv file also contains the alert sent time, responded time, user response, and error time recorded for each user in the list.
    To view phone error codes, see "Unified telephony tracking codes" in the
    BlackBerry AtHoc
    Manage Alert Tracking and Reporting Guide
  • Send alert to these users
    : Click this option to open a duplicate of the original alert that you can modify and send out again. For the "In Progress or Failed" category, this option is a quick way of adding more personal devices and delivery methods to the alert to try to contact alert targets who were unaware of or unable to respond to the original alert.
  • User List
    : Click this option to open a User Tracking Report. The report opens in a new browser window.
Response Details
section of the Users tab displays the possible alert response options, each assigned a different color. The total number of alert recipients who have selected that option is displayed beside each option. This information is also represented in a pie chart. Hover over the pie chart to display a tool tip that shows the number of users in each category. If dependents are enabled for your organization and in the alert template, the number of sponsors and dependents is displayed.
The menu next to each response number contains the following options:
  • Export Delivery Summary (CSV)
    : Click this option to create an exportable .csv file containing the names of all recipients who chose the corresponding response option. Where applicable, the .csv file also contains the alert sent time, responded time, user response, and work related details for each recipient.
  • Send Alert to These Users
    : Click this option to open a duplicate of the original alert that you can modify and send out again. For the "Not Responded" category, this option is a quick way of adding more personal devices and delivery methods to the alert to try to contact alert targets who were unaware of or unable to respond to the original alert. For other options, it is a way to provide specific additional instructions to a highly targeted group.
  • User List
    : Click this option to open a User Tracking Report. The report opens in a new browser window.