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Advanced report types

The following reports provide advanced tracking information about the alert delivery process, including the number of alerts sent compared to the delivery devices used and the responses received.
Report name
Organizational Report
Displays the alert progress for recipients grouped by Organizational Hierarchy.
Distribution List Report
Displays the alert's progress for recipients divided by targeted distribution lists.
Delivery Distribution by Devices (Chart)
Displays a group bar chart that tracks, for each device used, the number of targeted alerts, the number of alerts sent, and the number of responses received.
Delivery Distribution by Devices
Displays a tabular report that tracks the number of targeted alerts, the number of alerts sent, and the number of responses received for each device used. The report can include all devices or only the devices used for targeted recipients. You can click any user count in the report, such as the number of targeted users, to open a detailed user tracking report that identifies individual users and provides their names, device addresses, and responses. This information is useful for evaluating the effectiveness of the delivery devices used for the alert.
If device delivery preference is set to Organization defined, the number in the Sent column of the report is updated incrementally as different personal devices are targeted.
User Tracking Reports
Displays user tracking information and user response data. The User Tracking with Devices report tracks which users were targeted by device and which device users responded on. The User Tracking with Alerts report tracks the delivery date and delivery status of the alert.