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Review the targeting summary

The Targeting Summary section of the Target Users section displays the total number of groups and users that have been selected and blocked, and the number of targeted locations and personal devices included in the alert. As additional groups, users, and devices are added to or removed from the target group, the section updates automatically.
Click the numbered links in the Targeting Summary field to open a pop-up screen that provides a list of the users, devices, or search conditions related to the selected target.

By Groups

The By Groups summary screen lists the organizational hierarchies and distribution lists that are included in the alert. If a group or distribution list has children that have been blocked, the alert will not go out to users within those sub groups or sub distribution lists.

By Groups-Blocked

The Groups-Blocked summary screen lists the organizational hierarchies and distribution lists that have been excluded from the alert. If all sub groups or sub distribution lists of a parent have been blocked manually, the parent is not also blocked by default. The parent can only be blocked by manually selecting it for blocking.

By Users

The By Users screen lists the users who have been selected for inclusion in the alert.

By Users-Blocked

The By Users-Blocked screen lists the users who have been blocked from receiving the alert.

By Location

The By Location screen displays a map showing each of the locations that are targeted in the alert. This is the same map that can be seen in the
field within the Content section of the new alert template or new alert screen.

By Advanced Query

The By Advanced Query screen lists the search conditions that have been created to identify the target audience for the alert.

Personal Devices

The Personal Devices screen displays a list of the personal devices that will be used to target the alert recipients. The percentage of alert recipients who can be reached using the device is listed beside each device.